Daniel Fürth
Assistant professor
SciLifeLab/Uppsala University
🔗 furthlab.xyz
based on material by Ashley Juavinett’s
Allen Institute Data Lesson Plans
Observe structure and/or function in identified cells in the brain
MMTV is expressed mainly in mammary glands.
Researchers needed way to confirm that Cre recombinase was active only in certain tissues.
This need led to the development of Cre reporter strains.
Express a visible marker, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) or LacZ, only after Cre recombinase excises a loxP-flanked stop sequence
Recombinase: enzyme that catalyse site-specific recombination events within DNA.
Cre proteins recognize a loxP site and bind to it, forming a dimer.
Two Cre-loxP dimers come together to form a tetramer, bringing the two loxP sites together with opposing directionality.
dsDNA cleavage occurs in the center of the loxP site and a crossover event occurs
DIO vector: a Double-floxed gene with Inverted Orientation.
Inversion occurs via either loxP or lox2272, followed by the excision of two lox sites.
The DIO vector turns on gene expression only in the presence of Cre.
Observe structure and/or function in identified cells in the brain
In standard fluorescent (epifluorescence) and confocal microscopy, one photon excites the fluorophore
In two-photon microscopy, the fluorophore absorbs two photons simultaneously. With two photons - we can use half of the energy!
Half of the energy = twice the wavelength (ends up being infrared light)
Observe structure and/or function in identified cells in the brain
Nakai, Ohkura, Imoto (2001) Nature Biotechnology
Different ways to deliver or expressed.
A-C different types of bulk loading (including with an electrical current in B)
D Genetically-encoded & targeted (via viruses)
E In combination with other fluorescent dyes
Sur lab
Mountcastle (1957) J. Neurophysiol.
Wednesday 16 Nov. A8:215a, BMC, 13:15 - 14:00