We study
how information is stored
, processed
, and transmitted 
  between cells with a special focus on how aforementioned information processing enables computations 
  in the nervous system

To do this we develop novel tools and techniques at the intersection of molecular biology
and computer science

⚗️ Research 🔬
the nature of cell communication 
in health and disease 
remains one of the most important areas of biology.

Our lab searches 
for hitherto unknown 
by which symbolic 
 can be transferred between cells
🧫 ↔️ 🧫
Identification of such transmission would enable us to read 
 and write 
 those messages

🛠️ Tools 🧰

Development of novel tools is an intricate part of our lab.

🔬  Single-molecule imaging

We use and develop methods to read and write information at single molecule level.

🎇  Programmable bioconjugation

We combine nonlinear optical microscopy together with chemoselective moeities to develop new ways to perturb and interrogate information at the single-molecule level.

🧠   Computational anatomy

Whole-mount 3D single-molecule data at the transcriptome level necessitates new ways compiling and analyzing anatomical data. We develop computational tools and resources.

Montauk, New York, 2020

Principal Investigator: Daniel Fürth
Assistant Professor, Uppsala University
