Publications. If you need NCBI My Bibliography or my Google Scholar.
List of publications
- Sych, T., Schlegel, J., Barriga, H. M. G., Ojansivu, M., Hanke, L., Weber, F., Bostancioglu, R. B., Ezzat, K., Stangl, H., Plochberger, B., Laurencikiene, J., Andaloussi, S. E., Fürth, D., Stevens, M. M., Sezgin, E. (2023). High-throughput measurement of the content and properties of nano-sized bioparticles with single-particle profiler. Nature Biotechnology, Article:
- Lu, S., Fürth, D., & Gillis, J. (2021). Integrative analysis methods for spatial transcriptomics. Nature Methods, News & Views, 18(11), 1282–1283 Article:
- Lu, S., Ortiz, C., Fürth, D., Fischer, S., Meletis, K., Zador, A., & Gillis, J. (2021). Assessing the replicability of spatial gene expression using atlas data from the adult mouse brain. PLoS Biology, 19(7), e3001341. Article: Supplemental: 2.5 Mb
- Liu, S., Punthambaker, S., Iyer, E. P. R., Ferrante, T., Goodwin, D., Fürth, D., Pawlowski, A. C., Jindal, K., Tam, J. M., Mifflin, L., Alon, S., Sinha, A., Wassie, A. T., Chen, F., Cheng, A., Willocq, V., Meyer, K., Ling, K.-H., Camplisson, C. K., … Church, G. M. (2021). Barcoded oligonucleotides ligated on RNA amplified for multiplexed and parallel in situ analyses. Nucleic Acids Research, 49(10), e58. Article: Supplemental: 18.9 Mb
- Huang, L., Kebschull, J. M., Fürth, D., Musall, S., Kaufman, M. T., Churchland, A. K., & Zador, A. M. (2020). BRICseq Bridges Brain-wide Interregional Connectivity to Neural Activity and Gene Expression in Single Animals. Cell, 182(1), 177-188.e27. Article: Supplemental: 9.5 MB
- Asp, M., Giacomello, S., Larsson, L., Wu, C., Fürth, D., Qian, X., Wärdell, E., Custodio, J., Reimegård, J., Salmén, F., Österholm, C., Ståhl, P. L., Sundström, E., Åkesson, E., Bergmann, O., Bienko, M., Månsson-Broberg, A., Nilsson, M., Sylvén, C., & Lundeberg, J. (2019). A Spatiotemporal Organ-Wide Gene Expression and Cell Atlas of the Developing Human Heart. Cell, 179(7), 1647-1660.e19. Article: Supplemental: 897 Kb
- Lazaridis, I., Tzortzi, O., Weglage, M., Martin, A., Xuan, Y., Parent, M., Johansson, Y., Fuzik, J., Fürth, D., Fenno, L. E., Ramakrishnan, C., Silberberg, G., Deisseroth, K., Carlen, M., & Meletis, K. (2019). A hypothalamus-habenula circuit controls aversion. Molecular Psychiatry, 24(9), 1351–1368. Article:
- Fürth, D., Vaissiere, T., Tzortzi, O., Xuan, Y., Martin, A., Lazaridis, I., Spigolon, G., Fisone, G., Tomer, R., Deisseroth, K., Carlen, M., Miller, C. A., Rumbaugh, G., & Meletis, K. (2018, January). An interactive framework for whole-brain maps at cellular resolution. Nature Neuroscience (Vol. 21, Issue 1). Article: Supplemental:
- Pollak Dorocic, I., Fürth, D., Xuan, Y., Johansson, Y., Pozzi, L., Silberberg, G., Carlén, M., & Meletis, K. (2014). A Whole-Brain Atlas of Inputs to Serotonergic Neurons of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei. Neuron, 83(3), 663–678. Article: Supplemental:
- Bellander, M., Brehmer, Y., Westerberg, H., Karlsson, S., Fürth, D., Bergman, O., Eriksson, E., & Backman, L. (2011). Preliminary evidence that allelic variation in the LMX1A gene influences training-related working memory improvement. Neuropsychologia, 49(7), 1938–1942. Article: Supplemental:
- Brehmer, Y., Westerberg, H., Bellander, M., Fürth, D., Karlsson, S., & Backman, L. (2009). Working memory plasticity modulated by dopamine transporter genotype. Neuroscience Letters, 467(2), 117–120. Article: Supplemental: