Software made and used by the lab. 
New lab member UU-specific IT instructions to setup: 🛜eduroam 👩🏼‍💻software licenses.
🌍Travel booking software ✈️. 💾NAS. 🧬TubSeq Sanger 🖨️Poster printing 🛒 Proceedo


    We have a Nikon Spinning Disc Confocal (SDC) with the following specs ( link to light source, filters and detector specs):


    We maintain the follow software.

    Software name Used for Language OS Need support?
    WholeBrain whole brain reconstruction, segmentation, atlas registration  ++  macOS,  Linux,  Windows  login on gitter chat 
    µLRM local run manager for in situ sequencing    ++  macOS,  Linux,  Windows
    furthlab_chem drawing chemical structures online  macOS,  Linux,  Windows

    These are software that all lab members use inorder to write, communicate and share their work with each other.
    Also visit: medarbetarportalen (MP) at UU to install software provided by Uppsala University (Word, PowerPoint etc.).

    Software name Used for Alternative OS
    Affinity Designer Vector graphics/publication quality figures. Good on the iPad.  Adobe Illustrator  macOS,  Windows,   iOS
     Element Team communication  Slack   macOS,  Windows,  Linux,   iOS,  Android
     GoogleDocs General writing  Microsoft Word  Cloud
     GoogleDrive Collaborative document/file management Cloud
     GitHub Software maintainance  Git
    Quarto Typesetting (LaTeX) and dynamic content with Python, R, Julia, and Observable.  OverLeaf  macOS,  Linux,  Windows
    Zotero Reference manager EndNote, Mendeley  macOS,  Windows
    ChemDrawJS Chemical structure drawings ChemDraw   Cloud
    FreeCAD computer-aided design and drafting Blender macOS,  Linux,  Windows

    Alternative to BioRender: open source or NIH-funded

    Template Purpose Used with GitHub  link Download
    Dynamic presentation Template to make dynamic presentations with Reveal.js through markdown with Quarto. JS /furthlab/quarto_furthlab_template
    SciLifeLab logo logo of SciLifeLab in format. Affinity TBA TBA
    Uppsala University logo logo of UU in format. Affinity TBA TBA
    Video tutorials

    NAS for microscope storage and VPN access.