2024-06-24 Summer excursion to Landegrens' summer cottage in Östhammar
2023-08-09 Spinning disc confocal installation
First sample testing.
Waked (left) and Alfred (right) carrying out an old LSM 500 to be replaced.
Optical table getting installed.Installing the XLight3 into the Nikon Ti2 microscope body.
Installing Lumencor Celesta laser into the XLight3Calibration of light path.Pinholes. Lots of pinholes.
2022-12-16 Christmas party Molecular tools section
Stabby prästgård
Masood, Ulf and XingqiLox, deviled eggs etc.Stabbyprästgård, home to the Uppsala based Noble prize laureate Nathan Söderblom.
2022-06-19 Molecular tools section excursion to Östhammar
The labs in the Molecular Tools for Functional Genomics corridor arranged an excursion to Landegren summer cottage out in the Roslagen archipelago. Barbeque with the beautiful Baltic ocean as our background.